Comforly 康膚麗 100%進口花水—薰衣草100ml


Comforly 康膚麗 100%進口花水—薰衣草100ml



英文品名:Lavender Infused Water


拉丁學名:Lavandula angustifolia


萃取部位:頂端的花Flowering top


原產地:法國 (France)


製造國:澳洲 (Australia)


Infused waters are made by distilling essential oils into mineral free water. They carry the same properties found in the specific essential oil and contain no preservative. Infused waters can be applied directly to the skin. They make excellent face and body spritzers.





當日Comforly網站購物滿額再贈送,詳見Comforly 膚麗 芳療精 說明

Comforly 康膚麗 100%進口花水—薰衣草100ml

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